Complex Trauma, Long Covid, Obesity, Drug and or Alcohol dependency with medical assistive therapy (MAT) , Auto-immune conditions, Terminal illness, Fibromyalgia, ME (formerly chronic fatigue syndrome), Depression and Anxiety, Chronic pain, IBS
Do not see your current condition on this list? Give us a call, send an email or text, and see if we can help you.
Or are you someone who has symptoms and your doctors cannot find any “western results” to give you a diagnosis? We can help.
When you make an appointment you join a group of intuitive, intelligent women who know that their health could be improved with innovative therapy.
You deserve to invest in yourself and the people in your life deserve the best version of you. Lots of medical practices tout Mind Body connected health care, we really practice it.
Your information is completely private. We are entirely private pay for visits, your employer nor insurance company are involved. You may of course use your insurance for medications and/or laboratory services.
It would be my utmost pleasure to see you.
Dr Mann