Integrative Medical Hypnosis Clinic
for Women and Hypnosis for Business Excellence for Both Men and Women
About us
En-Tranced Excellence Group
Have you ever said, “I wish someone could just re-wire me.” Then you should seriously consider hypnosis as an effective method to manage your current condition. Unlock the channel between your physical mind and your subconscious mind to become the person you know you can be.
Mind Body Integrative Therapeutic Medicine and Hypnosis for Business Excellence, the first clinic of this kind in North America.
Dr. Mann is a Board Certified Internal Medicine physician, holding membership with the American Medical Association, the American Society of Addiction Medicine, the American College of Physicians, Association of Ringside Physicians along with certification in hypnosis and holding membership with the American Hypnosis Association. Your hypnosis session will be targeted by the use of EEG, which monitors brainwaves it doesn’t read your thoughts or place any energy into the brain and is completely painless. You will get an understanding as to how your brain functions and how your mind and body are connected. For women who are pursuing medical hypnosis you will undergo a deep transformative hypnosis session to diminish or eliminate symptoms of chronic illness, chronic pain, mood disorders, use disorders or fear of dying in ONE half day session.
For business professionals you are going to embark on a journey to obtain information only available to those either in hypnosis or have extensive meditation experience. Dr. Mann will facilitate you accessing the quantum field/zero point field where all information is stored and known. You can ask both your unconscious and access the zero point field to make your next leap forward, solve problems and have complete confidence when making business decisions.
Trained as a conventional physician and hypnotherapist, you will undergo an innovative combination of leading edge neurointegrative therapies to get everything you need to be successful. You will experience deep transformative hypnosis targeted by the use of electroencephalogram (EEG) to diminish or eliminate symptoms of chronic illness, pain, mood disorders, use disorder or fear of dying in one half day session.

Conditions Treated with Medical Hypnosis
Chronic conditions, Complex Trauma, Fibromyalgia, ME (formerly chronic fatigue syndrome), Depression and Anxiety, Chronic pain, Auto-Immune Conditions, Long Covid, Opioid and Alcohol Use Disorder and Terminal Illness.
Hypnosis for Business Excellence
2-3 hour long session to tap into the field where all information is known and stored. Discover the Zero Point Field, or Quantum field and have full confidence in every business decision.
Book an appointment

$2497 for your Entire Transformation .
approximately 3-4 hours, designed to give you everything you need in oNE session, Change your Health orTap into a Gigantic Resevoir of information that cannot be experienced any other way.
You are the perfect patient/client if you are finally ready for change, remaining in your current state is no longer an option, and you want to be healed. You will be successful if you acknowledge that your mind is responsible for how your bodu performs. responsible for how your body performs.
This is a doctor trained also in hypnosis, I also use EEG to monitor your brainwaves under hypnosis to ensure you are in the proper range of brainwaves to ensure you get the changes you want. The EEG only monitors brainwaves, it does not read your thoughts or input any energy into the brain and is entirely painless.
All you need is the desire to change and the desire to heal, that the change has to come from you and it has to be now.. Book an appointment and pay for your session. Arrive in comfortable clothes that you can relax in for half of the day. Together you and I will go over your entire medical and personal history. We’ll discuss the entire painless and efficient process of placing the EEG on your head, how it works and how I facilitate your subconscious to give you the change you desire. Your improvement is guaranteed.
Don’t see an appointment time that suits you? Contact us, by phone or tex or email, I’ll.
Lake Havasu AZ, at 1951 Mesquite Avenue Unit J with an additional location opening soon in Los Angeles.
When was the last time
Your doctor spent four uninterrupted hours with you just listening, listening to your problems, your obstacles and your goals regarding your health. Then address all of your concerns in one visit. That’s what I do, I facilitate a conversation with your subconscious. The part of your that has been with you since birth and remembers every word, image, lecture and event in your life. By accessing this untapped reservoir of information you get a completely personalized treatment for you and only you. It is like re-wiring your brain to optimize the way your think, you feel and move.
“To measure is to know.” Lord Kelvin
Using an EEG as a neurobiofeedback tool to determine your level of trance and be aware of the optimal brainwave unveils the scientific prowess of hypnosis.

Califorinia and Arizona's Only Neuro Integrative Clinic that performs Medical hypnosis exclusively for women and Hypnosis for Business Excellence for EVERYONE.
Excellent thoughts, excellent health and supreme happiness. That is your birthright. I am the only physician in North America of that combines hypnotic techniques with raw EEG, with a dense intensive period of time with the intention of reconnecting your brain, mind and body to allow you to perform at your best. This is the only clinic designed to allow business and technical leaders to access the field to gain information that can change your entire life and organization.
How can I change into the person I KNOW I can be?
Change always begins with a thought, a desire to change, to be different. We long for a different body or different personality or different life with different experiences. That requires a change. A change in the way you think, which will change how you feel and thus change your actions and change your outcome.
The outdated method of willpower and grit results in burnout and fatigue. When we reach our goal we are elated that we did it, but when the afterglow wears off, we feel dissatisfied and worn out. No wonder we drift back to our usual set point.
This separates MOTIVATION from INSPIRATION. Motivation requires willpower, which gives you the feeling of a pitchfork in your back forcing you forward. Whereas INSPIRATION is the effortless impulses given by your subconscious to sail towards your goals.
Why do people seek hypnosis?

Most clients or patients seek hypnosis at various points in their lives…
- They are in a health crisis and have no where left to turn. This is unlike any other medical therapy, hypnosis is where people turn when what you’re doing isn’t working.
- You are a business or technical leader and wants to access information no one else has access. Such as where to steer their next business venture, technical problems with inventions or coding. Anytime you are at a major cross-roads with your business where finding the right information and making the right decision means everything for you and your business.
When you change how you think, you change how you feel, which changes your actions. It is law. Here's what we do:
We integrate the most innovative hypnotherapy and neurointegrative techniques to change your thoughts which cascades to a change in your neurochemistry, and your neuroelectrophysiology. This translates to your entire body biochemistry and physiology and thus your mental and physical symptoms change.
Welcome to En-Tranced Excellence Group
At En-Tranced Excellence Group, we believe in your natural ability to be healthy and thrive. Hypnosis may not be your first instinct to achieving your dreams. It may even sound a little “woo woo” or “new age” however this is where using an EEG (Electroencephalogram) while under hypnosis takes this technique and demonstrates its scientific prowess. Physics never lies, wavelengths of your brain don’t either. As a scientist and doctor, nothing is real without data, if I can’t prove it, I’m not interested. Combining measurement of your wavelengths while under hypnosis assures the BOTH of us, you as the patient and I as the physician that there a real scientific occurrence and can be assured of lasting change.
You can literally think like a new person, so that you feel like a new person, so that you act as the person you want to be and you BECOME the most excellent version of yourself.
You instinctually know that your intended baseline of being is that of someone who is without pain, has energy, clarity, serenity and joy. You wouldn’t be seeking otherwise.
Business Leaders you know there is information that is out there for you, you are seeking it, you wouldn’t have been led to this site otherwise. You will tap information that no one else can access that is GUARANTEED. Your session is kept private, none of your competitors will ever know where or HOW you received your information.
Book an appointment below. It will be my utmost pleasure to work with you.