Grandma’s China Cabinet

Most of us remember the china cabinet. The place where all the FANCY dishes and silverware would be stored for those special occasions. It usually has fine china some have gold and silver inlays and pure silverware. When we were young you didn’t eat off of those dishes everyday, it was only for when company […]
Complex Trauma and Burnout

Sometimes they present by themselves or the patient has both along with other disorders that also accompany these issues such as depression, anxiety, nightmares, fatigue and chronic pain. Since hypnotherapy is not as common as going to the doctor, patients often have no idea how to choose a hypnotherapist. Think of a hypnotherapist as a […]
En-Tranced Excellence was developed to be a totally different type of clinic.
A clinic that gave every woman an entire half day to discuss everything that has happened to them and every symptom and aspect of their lives they would like changed. An ability to unpack every bit of your medical history, every symptoms and every desire for your future. Forget about, “Ma’am we only have 10 […]