Most of us remember the china cabinet. The place where all the FANCY dishes and silverware would be stored for those special occasions. It usually has fine china some have gold and silver inlays and pure silverware. When we were young you didn’t eat off of those dishes everyday, it was only for when company came over. This reminds me a lot of the resources we have access to everyday that can enrich our life experience and make it fuller and more satisfying but choose not to use. We should be using our china cabinet every day. We should use all of our resources because using them everyday reminds us of our previous successes and worthiness of beautiful and exquisite things in our life that opens us up to experience even more. Hypnosis is much like that.
Our unconscious mind is a gigantic untapped reservoir of resources and information that can enrich us and make us more successful in our career, our relationships and enhance our wellbeing. Our unconscious or subconscious mind (both terms are completely appropriate) manages at least 11 billion bits of information per second and our conscious or “working mind” processes about 40 bits. Huge difference. Hypnosis can introduce you to that larger part of you that you only get glimpses of during your dreams, or that wispy window of time just before you fall asleep and as you awaken that can give you information. The problem is that amount of time is so brief you can’t extract enough meaning or unravel the symbolism and a hypnotherapist can place you in a trance and keep you in that state for an extended period of time to extract the information that is important to you. Hypnosis in other words opens the china cabinet and lets you use the fancy dishes all the time.
In our office we have fine china and gold plated silverware for our patients to demonstrate this idea. None of this was expensive because the china cabinet has lost its allure in modern society, both sides of the family had dishes upon dishes that were stored by multiple extended family members because no
one wanted them. In most thrift stores you will find endless sets of fine china and silverware, not to mention the absolute steals you can get on Etsy or Ebay.
“Every time you take a sip of coffee from fine China or eat a sandwich off of a gold inlayed plate you’ll reinforce that success is yours and you are worthy of beautiful experiences in your life.”
Hypnosis can absolutely transform your life, and can improve your success. At our clinic we specialize in treating complex chronic medical conditions and mood disorders for motivated women that want to experience success again in their life. Even if you don’t pursue hypnosis, if you want an easy lift of your mood, if you want to feel wealthy and worthy of nice things- consider unleashing the china cabinet if you still have one, or take a set off of the hands of someone desperate to give them away. I promise every time you take a sip of coffee from fine china or eat a sandwich off of a gold inlayed plate you’ll reinforce that success is yours for the taking and you are worthy of beautiful experiences in your life.