En-Tranced Excellence was developed to be a totally different type of clinic.

A clinic that gave every woman an entire half day to discuss everything that has happened to them and every symptom and aspect of their lives they would like changed. An ability to unpack every bit of your medical history, every symptoms and every desire for your future.

Forget about, “Ma’am we only have 10 minutes, what is the one symptom you want me to address TODAY!!” Women have complex lives with multiple tentacles of issues that affect our daily lives and bodies and I could not tolerate the time shortage that insurance companies mandated by today’s physician. I also became dismayed by the limited treatment options for conditions that affect women that are chronic.

Forget about, “Ma’am we only have 10 minutes, what is the problem you want me to address today.”

Women are most likely to be diagnosed with auto-immune disorders, depression, anxiety and long covid. Women with chronic conditions and chronic pain are likely to be judged negatively by their doctors or worse completely gas-lighted. Western medicine performs dismally with chronic conditions. If it was effective or superior in any way –we as a society would be taking less and less medications for shorter periods of time and in fact we do the exact opposite.

Before discovering hypnosis as a treatment for these conditions, these conditions also frustrated me as a physician, I had access to an entire pharmacy but every medication came with risks and couldn’t cure, they just treated symptoms and barely worked.

Hypnosis has been used for chronic conditions since the age of the ancient Egyptians, and ancient Greeks, it then had a renaissance during the 18th century and become most notable during the 1980’s when employers were paying for their employees to quit smoking. Most people know the relationship between hypnosis and becoming a non smoker. What is most interesting is that smoking is considered one of the most difficult addictions to treat, and likewise it is effective for a number of other substance use disorders.

What made me FALL IN LOVE with hypnosis is multifold…
1) It is >87% effective for permanent treatment of chronic pain.
2) You can fix a multitude of symptoms and problems with ONE SESSION
3) I witnessed a patient cured of alcohol use disorder, another patient relieved of disabling back pain and a woman with a fear of death completely changed in one session .
4) And now I have my own success stories of women relieved of an entire lifetime of nightmares, abdominal pain, back pain, neck pain, skin conditions, depression, anxiety and fear of dying.

….the greatest success is with patients with complex problems, complex trauma with symptoms that spill over with difficulties in their career and relationships.

This is my passion project and due to the length of time spent with each patient I can only see 500 patients each year. The aim is to be the most interesting, fun and transformational doctors’ visit you will EVER HAVE.

Where I find the greatest success is with patients with complex problems, not just one problem but multiple problems and symptoms and spill over with difficulties in their career and relationships.

I will never try to convince someone that hypnosis is the treatment for them. Instead, all I’ll do is turn the light on and let you know the clinic is NOW OPEN and here to facilitate your transformation.

This is the only neuro-integrative clinic in North America using hypnosis by a physician under EEG with a deep somnambulistic trance to change EVERYTHING you NEED.
You can be “Trance FIXED.”

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